Understanding PariVest’s Return on Investment
Financial Education
Understanding PariVest’s Return on Investment
If you have been pondering over our return on investment or have been tempted to compare our offering with what other apps in the market offer, then keep reading to understand the proper way to make that comparison. First, our returns are in GBP. Yes, you heard right, British Pounds, not Naira. You pay us in Naira, we convert the Naira to pounds immediately and you start earning your return in pounds. The best part is that when you withdraw your money, we pay you back in Naira but at the rate, on the day you withdraw your money. Second, our interest rates range between 3% and 10% per annum on your GBP investment depending on how long you invest with us. For comparison, some of the best Naira investment rates are typically between 12% and 15% per annum. Beware of any scheme offering returns above this range, they might not be what they say they are! So, if you want to compare our rates with other rates in the market, make sure you are comparing apples with apples and not apples with pears.
Don’t understand? Let us break it down further
Suppose you invested £100 in the PariVest One-Year Real Estate product at 8% per annum on 4th January 2021, the prevailing rate then was N630 to £1, your total investment would have cost you N63,000, you would have earned £8 in interest after one year and received £108 paid into your wallet at the end of your investment period on 04th January 2022.
The same amount invested in a Naira investment scheme with a 15% per annum return would have earned you N9,450 and you would have received N72,450. However, if you converted the £108 from the PariVest investment on 04th January 2022 at the then prevailing rate of N760 to £1, you would have received N82,080. That is a whopping 30.28% return on investment in one year.
The upshot is that we don’t just give you a great return on your investment, we also protect your capital from Naira depreciation.
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